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Learn how to handle the tools to make fire by friction and percussion See more...

Learn how to handle the tools to make fire by friction and percussion

The fire and the development of Prehistoric Man are inseparable. The domestication of fire dates back about 450,000 years.

An activity for everyone which consists in demonstrating by gestures, the old techniques of starting a fire by friction but especially by percussion.

At the end of the workshop, those who wish (and from 6 years old) can test the fire techniques.

Tip: Remember to come early to fully enjoy your day between visiting the Caves and Prehistoric Workshops

  • 4 /99 years old
  • 30 minutes
  • Sheltered activity in case of rain

 July 2024
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Plan du parc
plan du parc
Questions about animations
  • I purchase my tickets on the internet. Should I print them or can I present my reservation on my phone ?

    • To avoid any problem, it is preferable to have proof of purchase on your side with your tickets downloaded beforehand on your smartphone. 3 or 4G coverage on the site is not always easy. However if you forget, do not worry: we have the trace of your reservation at the reception of the site!

    • Remember to come to the site 15 minutes before the start of the reserved visit or activities.

  • Can we do all the prehistoric workshops and the visit ?
    The schedules between visits and prehistoric workshops are organized so that you can do everything in a day. However, in this case, you must arrive at the site upon opening. Download your schedule in pdf on the "schedules" page.
  • What is the age recommended for carrying out the workshops ?
    • We have indicated the recommended age for each activity, but obviously everything depends on the agility and precocity of each child.